90% of Estonia's TOP 30 Law Firms Use xLaw application

Advokaadibüroo Sorainen won Äripäev´s law firms TOP this year, they managed to formalize the record result in 2021 due to, among other things, such mega projects as Bolt's EUR 600 million investment, which was also the largest investment in the Central and Eastern European start-up sector in 2021 and the sale of Fortum's Baltic district heating business for EUR 800 million, which was the largest merger and acquisition takeover transaction in the Baltic States.

The second place among law firms was Ellex Raidla, who as the market leader in securities market transactions advised most of the 2021 IPO transactions.

24.11.2022. Äripäev. Soraineni lennutasid edetabelivõitjaks kogu regiooni megatehingud
25.11.2022. Äripäev. Advokaadibüroode TOP 2: Ellex Raidla sai turuliidrina osa suuremast osast 2021. aasta IPOde sajust

Both Sorainen and Ellex Raidla were among our first clients and to date these law firms have been using xLaw for over 5 years.

To date xLaw is used in more than 70 law firms, including 90% of the TOP 30 law firms in the ranking prepared by Äripäev this year. (Ranking of law firms compiled by Äripäev)

xLaw is the first unique application of legal technology in Estonia, which has significantly changed the daily work processes of lawyers. The majority of xLaw users are top lawyers - lawyers, judges, prosecutors, notaries, bailiffs, bankruptcy trustees; among other things, xLaw is used in all Estonian courts. xLaw has also proven popular with many state and local government professionals and corporate lawyers.

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To try and order xLaw, contact: xlaw@extendlaw.com

ExtendLaw reached Gaselli TOP for the second year in a row!
ExtendLaw supports Moot Court competition this year as well